Buddhadharma - The Practitioner's Quarterly - Spring 2014
Your Teacher & You
What the relationship means today, how to make the most of it, and what to do when it isn't working
Forum: Your Teacher and You: Sallie Jiko Tisdale, Mark Power, and Sylvia Boorstein talk about how your relationship with your teacher can have a profound effect on your practice, but it can also be confusing to navigate.
No Teacher of Zen: After years of being a teacher, Norman Fisher has a fuller appreciation of the role a teacher plays.
The Eight Bardos: Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen
As Human As You Are: Sumi Loundon Kim discovers for herself what's so special - and so ordinary - about being the teacher.
It All Depends: Bhikkhu Bodhi
Just Do It: Ajahn Jayasaro
Chanting Names Once Forgotten: Grace Schireson
Let's Talk: Dosho Port: Cybersanghas - Do They Work?
Profile: The New York Buddhist Church
Journeys: Patrick Brady: A Glimmer of Dharma
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