July 2022 - Lion's Roar
The Spirit of Travel
Whether you’re going to Bodhgaya or Boston, whether you’re opting for armchair travel or heading out on the road, travel can broaden your mind and open your heart. In this issue of Lion’s Roar, authors like Pico Iyer, Karen Connelly, and Anita Feng offer us:
* An exploration of Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India
* Travel tips for top Buddhist destinations in the U.S.
* True stories of the transformational power of travel
The Buddha Never Burnt Out
As the Buddha knew, it’s exhausting clinging to an identity. So Keisha Bush doesn’t identify as an activist—she calls herself one who practices peace. This, she says, is the key to sustainable activism.
Better Boundaries
Guided by traditional Buddhist teachings, mindfulness teacher Elizabeth Stomp helps us learn when to say yes and how to say no.
What Were You Taught About Money?
If you’d like to make better money decisions, says financial expert Spencer Sherman, it may be time to let go of what you learned about money when you were a kid.