January 2017 — Lion's Roar
The Path of Enlightened Intentions
One Simple Practice That Changes Everything: Sylvia Boorstein
Practice: What Are My Intentions for Today?
Intention is the Practice: Norman Fisher
Practice: Four Reflections That Will Strengthen Your Intention to Meditate
Today Will Be A Day of Love and Joy: Thupten Jinpa
Practice: Setting Your Intentions at the Beginning of the Day
Practice: Making a Dedication at the End of the Day
Against the Stream: The Revolutionary Dharma of Noah Levine
Krista Tippett: Voice of America’s Spiritual Journey
Best Practices for Bodhisattvas: Zen teacher Josh Bartok translates traditional Buddhist vows into values we can all relate to.
Have a very Buddhist Christmas: Joy, giving, family, and peace—people of all faiths can celebrate these values of the holiday season. Eight Buddhists offer their take on yuletide dharma.
Prices are in US dollars. Taxes Included.