May 2025 - Lion's Roar
Music, Mindfulness, and Mayhem
Steve Aoki is one of the world’s top DJs and music producers, playing over 300 adrenaline-pumping shows a year. In this issue, he reveals how meditation keeps his creativity engaged and his energy sky-high.
What Does It Mean to Be Enlightened?
From mindfulness to joy to equanimity—the seven factors of enlightenment can be cultivated by anyone. Leading dharma teachers explain what awakening feels like, how it operates in the world, and why it is always available to you.
How to Let Go of Harmful Ideas About Food
Not everything you’ve been taught about health, eating, and goodness is true or helpful. In this issue, dietician Jenna Hollenstein suggests using mindfulness to discover what you feel—what you know—in your own body.
Jon Kabat-Zinn: His Life, Work, and Practice
Jon Kabat-Zinn is considered the founder of the American mindfulness movement. In this second installment of a three-part dialogue, he reveals what initially inspired him to practice meditation, how it changed his life, and what it was like bringing mindfulness into the mainstream.