Buddhadharma – The Practitioner's Guide Winter 2021
The Winter 2021 issue of Buddhadharma-The Practitioner's Guide
Koan practice has been part of the Western Buddhist understanding of Zen for decades. But there's another side of the koan tradition that is less understood--a different approach called huatou. Guo Gu shares what huatou practice is, and how it works.
What is cultural appropriation? And how is it relevant to my Buddhist practice? Chenxing Han doesn't have any easy answers, but together with the reader, she asks the questions and explores why it's all so hard to pin down.
Wellness, says Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, goes far beyond any simple understanding of just body or just mind. In this issue, through the lens of the Medicine Buddha's 12 Aspirations, he shares a profound definition of what it is to be healthy.
-and more!
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